


Your personal information and the content of your inquiries will be handled strictly in accordance of our privacy policy.
Personal information received from customers will be used to respond to inquiries.
Our response email is strictly for customers. Please refrain from fowarding or reusing responses to inquiries for secondary use.
Inquiries will be responded within reception hours (10:00~16:00) of the business day also shown in the business calendar at the bottom page. (reception hours exclude Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and summer holidays)
Depending on the content of your inquiry, we may reply by phone or letter instead of e-mail.
Also please understand that, it may take some time to reply depending on the content of your inquiry.
If there is any incorraction in the e-mail address, system failure, or due to blocking setting, etc., you may not receive a reply email from us. In such case, please check your e-mail address and e-mail receiving settings, or contact us by phone.
E-mails on this site are encrypted and protected by SSL.
Inquiries by phone (Customer Service Center Tel: 06-4256-5162)

Please agree to Personal Information Policy before sending in your inquires.

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※please insert product name EXAMPLE) Pasture Timothy 450g
About handling personal information(Required)
Terms of Personal Information Policy

Regarding the handling of personal information at Hi-Pet Co., Ltd.

Management of information

We will responsibly manage personal information such as name, address, residence, and telephone number provided to Hi-pet, and work hard to protect your personal information from unauthorized access and leakage of information.

How Hi-pet will use collected information

Personal information entrusted to Hi-pet will be used to improve ours and affiliated companies’ products and services.

Disclosure and sharing of information to third parties

Personal information entrusted to us will not be disclosed or shared to third parties except in the following cases in accordance with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information.

・When the consent or approval of the customer has been obtained.

・When disclosure or sharing is required based on laws and regulations, etc.

・When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a person

・When outsourcing operations (sending DMs, etc.)

In addition, when outsourcing operations, we will oblige the subcontractor to strictly manage them.

Management, Protection, and Legal Compliance

We will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information, and work hard to continuously improve information management and protection.

About information within Hi-pet’s website

Management of information

We will responsibly manage personal information such as name, address, residence, and telephone number provided to Hi-pet, and work hard to protect your personal information from unauthorized access and leakage of information.

How Hi-pet will use collected information

Personal information entrusted to Hi-pet will be used to improve ours and affiliated companies’ products and services.

Disclosure of information to third parties and subcontractors

We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties except when we obtain the consent or approval of the customer, when it is necessary to disclose or provide it based on laws and regulations, when it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a person, or when we outsource operations (such as sending DM).

In addition, when outsourcing operations, we will conclude a Non-Disclosure Agreement with the subcontractor and oblige them to strictly manage your personal information.

Education and Improvement Management

In addition to educating employees, we will appoint a manager for the management of personal information, and work hard in protecting your person information. We will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information and continuously review them.

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